Welcome to our Orchard!
The orchard is closed for the season - Thanks for a great year APPLE WINE AND HONEY IS AVAILABLE YEAR ROUND - JUST DRIVE BACK TO THE SHOUSE WITH THE RED ROOF. Check out our Products page to learn more about what we have to offer-including Apple Wine (from our very own apples!!) 4 Variaties of Apple Wine now available Open - Daily 9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Sundays 10:00 am to 5:00 pm We accept cash, checks, Pay Pal QR, and Venmo Thanks! Phone 920-757- 6187 or Cell 920-213-6438 or Cell 920-489-4975 |

We are a family run orchard located just 5 miles west of Appleton, WI. Our first trees were planted in 1972. There are presently over 300 trees of all sizes and 15 varieties.
Click on the Apple Picking tab to find out what varieties are presently ripe and ready for picking.
Feel free to bring your families and cameras out and enjoy an apple picking experience.
Who knows, you might even run into the little guy below who stopped in for a visit.
Click on the Apple Picking tab to find out what varieties are presently ripe and ready for picking.
Feel free to bring your families and cameras out and enjoy an apple picking experience.
Who knows, you might even run into the little guy below who stopped in for a visit.

Pumpkins are sold out